Your Online Retirement Account
Our Self Service website is easy to use from your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can log in using your current User ID and Password or register today to access your account online.
Click here to learn more about how to register.
Once you log in, please review your contact information and make sure we have your email address so you receive newsletters and announcements electronically.
Follow these steps to sign-up for email:
- Login to your account at First time users will need to register. Learn More
- Under the Account Menu, select "Contact Information."
- Select the "Change Your Current Contact Information" link.
Add your valid email address.
- Enter your KPPA-issued Personal Identification Number (PIN). If you can't find your PIN, use the link to request a new PIN.
- Click the Save button.
KPPA livestreams Board and Committee Meetings on our Facebook page. We invite you to join us for future meetings by going to the KPPA Facebook page on the date and time of the meeting. You can also watch videos of prior meetings. Click here to view the meeting schedule.
You can also follow us on social media to stay connected with KPPA.

Have KPPA Retiree Outreach Questions? Contact us.