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Board Elections

​​Voting in the Upcoming Election

​CERS is offering online voting during the upcoming election. To cast your vote online, log in to Self Service with your current user name and password. A paper ballot has been mailed to eligible voters who do not have a valid email address on file.

​​​CERS members may vote for one hazardous candidate and two nonhazardous candidates to serve a four-year term as CERS trustee. Ballots must be cast or postmarked by March 1, 2025.​


At the September 9, 2024, County Employees Retirement System (CERS) Board of Trustees meeting, the Board nominated the following individuals to be on the 2025 CERS election ballot.

Nonhazardous Duty Candidates

Dr. Patricia Carver, CPA

CERS Position (retired): Chief Internal Auditor, Louisville Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District
Residence: Prospect, Kentucky
Education: Bachelor of Science, Accounting - University of Louisville
Masters of Business Administration - Bellarmine University, Ph.D.
Leadership in Higher Education - Bellarmine University
Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, Master of Business Administration
Other Professional Associations: Louisville Urban League (Treasurer), Metro United Way Board, Bellarmine University Alumni Board
Reason individual would like to serve on CERS Board: Thank you for entrusting me with the privilege of serving as your CERS Trustee over the past three years; it has been truly been an honor, and I would be grateful for the opportunity to continue serving you with dedication, expertise, and my utmost commitment, while applying knowledge gained during my time in this role.

​Dr. Patricia Carver's letter and resume

Obe Everett, Jr., MBA, PMP

CERS Position (current): Director and Business Systems Support, Louisville Water Company
Residence: Louisville, Kentucky
Education: Bachelor of Science Computer Science – Hawaii Pacific University
Master of Business Administration Technology Management – University of Phoenix
Certifications: Project Management Professional​​​​

Obe Everett, Jr.'s letter and resume

Shawn Fry

CERS Position (current): Director, Gallatin County Public Library
Residence: Fort Thomas, Kentucky
Education: Bachelor of Science Marketing – University of South Carolina
Master’s Administrative Leadership – Saginaw Valley State University
Master of Library and Information Science – Kent State University
Certifications: Professional Certificate – Librarian
Other Professional Associations: United States Air Force 2002 – 2006​

Shawn Fry's letter and resume


Miriam Fisher

CERS Position (current): Human Resources Administrator, Louisville Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District
Residence: New Albany, Indiana
Education: Bachelor of Science, Psychology – University of Evansville (Summa Cum Laude)
Reason individual would like to serve on CERS Board: I would like to serve as a CERS trustee to learn more about how CERS works and to help CERS provide the best possible retirement system to its members.​

Miriam Fisher's letter and resume

Steven Webb

CERS Position (current): Finance Director, City of Covington
Residence: Florence, KY
Education: Bachelor of Science Business Management – Purdue University (with Distinction)
Other Professional Associations: Kentucky Government Finance Officers Association (President), Kentucky League of Cities Board of Directors, Purdue for Life Foundation Cincinnati Chapter (Treasurer)
Reason individual would like to serve on CERS Board: I have 14 years of government finance experience including 5 years in a state pension system, and I would like to use that experience to represent you on the CERS Board of Trustees.​

Steven Webb's letter and resume

Hazardous Duty Candidates​​

​Kenneth Ray Reynolds, Sr.

CERS Position (retired): Assistant Fire Chief, City of Murray Fire Department
Residence: Murray, KY
Education: General Education Development – Calloway County High School
Certifications: Deputy Coroner – Calloway County
Other Professional Associations: Kentucky Fraternal Order of Police #23
Reason individual would like to serve on CERS Board: If elected, I will do my best to make a great system even better.​

Kenneth​ Ray Reynolds, Sr.'s letter and resume

Captain Tommy McGraw

CERS Position (retired): Captain, City of Hopkinsville Fire Department
Residence: Hopkinsville, KY
Education: Christian County High School
Hopkinsville Community College (no degree obtained)
Certifications: Multiple International Fire Service Accreditation Congress certifications including Leadership and Haz-Mat Operations, 2022 Fire Officer of the Year
Reason individual would like to serve on CERS Board: I want to be on the Board to lobby for Cost of Living Raises and hopefully enhance other benefits.

Tommy McGraw's letter and resume


Major James Gibson

CERS Position (retired): Major/Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician, City of Somerset Emergency Medical Services

Residence: Somerset, KY

Education: High School

Certifications: Certified Firefighter, Certified Emergency Medical Technician, Emergency Medical Technician Training/Instructor

James Gibson's letter and resume

​​Election Timetable

​March 15, 2025

Ballots tabulated.

April 1, 2025

Winners of election begin term of office.

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