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Board Elections

​​​​​​​​​Candidates for Upcoming Election

At the September 9, 2024, County Employees Retirement System (CERS) Board of Trustees meeting, the Board nominated the following nine (9) individuals to be on the 2025 CERS election ballot. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.

Non-Hazardous Duty CandidatesHazardous Duty Candidates
Dr. Patricia Carver, CPAKenneth Ray Reynolds, Sr.
Obe Everett, Jr.Captain Tommy McGraw
Shawn FryMajor James Gibson
Miriam Fisher 
Steven Webb 

​Voting in the Upcoming Election

CERS will be offering online voting during the upcoming election. To cast your vote online, you need a valid email address for your Kentucky Public Pensions Authority account. If you have an account, log in to Self Service with your current user name and password. Once you log in, please review your contact information, and make sure we have your current email address. If you have not yet registered your account on line, you can register through Self Service​. You will be given the opportunity to provide an email address at the time of registration. A paper ballot will automatically be sent to eligible voters who do not have a valid email address on file. 

An electronic ballot will automatically be sent to all eligible voters with a valid email address on file. If you prefer to vote via a paper ballot, a paper ballot can be requested in multiple ways:

  1. A paper ballot selection option is​ available in Self S​ervice until November 30, 2024. To receive a paper ballot, please check the box indicating you would prefer not to vote electronically. Your choice will be locked until the next election cycle.

  2. A paper ballot can also be requested in writing. To request a paper ballot in writing, please send your request to the KPPA office. The request must include your Name, Member ID or last 4 digits of SSN, and Signature.
    Kentucky Public Pensions Authority
    1260 Louisville Road
    Frankfort, KY 40601​

  3. A paper ballot can also be requested via phone. Please call the KPPA offices at 502-696-8800 or 1-800-928-4646​ until November 30, 2024 and request a paper ballot. You will need your PIN to make this request.

​ Election Timetable

​January 20, 2025

Ballots made available/mailed to membership.

March 1, 2025

Date by which votes must be cast/ballot must be postmarked.

March 15, 2025

Ballots tabulated.

April 1, 2025

Winners of election begin term of office.

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