About PPW
Perimeter Park West (PPW) Inc. acquires, holds title to, and collects income from real property and pays dividends to the Kentucky Retirement Systems, the sole stockholder of PPW Inc. Through the process of unitization, the shares are controlled by the County Employees Retirement System (CERS), the Kentucky Employees Retirement System (KERS), and the State Police Retirement System (SPRS). PPW leases office space to the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, which is a component unit of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Board of Directors
Keith A. Peercy, President
Lynn Hampton, Vice President
Jerry Powell, Treasurer
Sherry Rankin, Secretary Email
PPW Inc. typically holds its annual Shareholder’s meeting in May. Other quarterly meetings are usually held in August, November, and February. Please visit
PPW Inc.’s Facebook page for information about meeting notices, agendas, and live video feeds and recordings of meetings.
Bylaws and Policies
Financial and Internal Control Reports
Open Records
Please use the
Open Records Request Form located on the Kentucky Attorney General's Open Records Request page to request public records from PPW. The form may be emailed to PPWOpenRecordsRequest@kyret.ky.gov.
Fraud Reporting
Please use the form below to report suspected fraud to PPW. In the comments section, describe your complaint in detail.