New Hires
Members must know their participation date and benefit tier to understand their KPPA retirement and insurance benefits. Once a new employee has been reported by an employer, and contributions have posted to the employee’s account, KPPA mails a Member Welcome letter, a Form 2035, Beneficiary Designation, and a KPPA Personal Identification Number (PIN).
New members should complete and submit Form 2035 to KPPA. If there is not a valid Form 2035 on file, the member's estate is the default beneficiary.
KPPA encourages all members to register and use our
Member Self Service website. Members can provide KPPA with an email address, request an Account Balance letter, view Annual Statements, and calculate retirement estimates and costs to purchase eligible service.
Helpful Links
Active Employees
Active employees should periodically review their online account. Every year (usually in August) an Annual Statement is created providing members with a snapshot of their account each year as of June 30th. Employees should review their Annual Statement online and verify the designated beneficiary for their retirement account is current. Beneficiary changes can be made at any time prior to retirement by submitting a new Form 2035 to our office.
Helpful Links
Outreach Requests
To request member education for your employees, please complete the Outreach Requests email form.
Request Member Outreach
Retiring Members
A member considering retirement within the next two years should obtain an estimate of retirement benefits. Estimates are available online using our
Member Self Service website. KPPA also provides benefits counseling. Appointments are required. Normally, the retirement office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time.
As of May 2, 2022, our office is open to in-person visits, with counseling appointment priority reserved for members who have filed Form 6000, Notification of Retirement. For more information, visit our
Contact page.
KPPA also has several webinars available covering a number of retirement related topics: A General Information Webinar, a Ready to Retire webinar, a Tier 1: Strategies for Retirement webinar, a Retirement Payment Options webinar, a Reemployment After Retirement webinar, and a Tier 1 webinar. Archived webinar presentations, as well as a schedule of new live webinars and links to register for those webinars, can be found on the Webinars and Videos page. Webinars are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 am, 2 pm, or 4 pm ET. Each webinar runs between 20 and 45 minutes.
About 45 to 60 days before their retirement date, members should complete the Form 6000, Notification of Retirement, and return it to KPPA. Members may file the Notification of Retirement up to six months prior to their retirement date.
Like many organizations, we are closely evaluating our business model moving forward based on our strong productivity metrics during the pandemic while the majority of our staff works from home. We appreciate your patience as we finalize our counseling services procedures for the future.
Helpful Links
Employer Resources
Employers are encouraged to direct members to our Member Self Service website to review their account and calculate benefit estimates. Members can also contact KPPA to speak to a benefits counselor about their retirement account.
Contact KPPA
Helpful Links
Benefit Tier Comparison
Evolution of Benefits
How to Complete Form 6000 Section H Video
Administration of Disability Retirement Claims
The Kentucky Public Pensions Authority (KPPA) has recently contracted with Managed Medical Review Organization, Inc. (MMRO) for administration of disability retirement claims. We are excited about this change and want to make you aware of how the new process will work.
There will be a transition period during which any applications for disability retirement received by KPPA prior to the MMRO contract will follow the existing process. KPPA will mail the Form 8030 to the employer and the employer should return the completed form to KPPA.
New Process
Under the new process, MMRO will email the primary Reporting Official for your agency the Form 8030, Employer Job Description. The Form 8030 should be completed and returned to MMRO. We appreciate your cooperation with MMRO in this process.
Additionally, KPPA recognizes that your employees often seek your assistance and direction regarding their retirement benefits, so we want to make sure you understand how MMRO will assist us in processing disability retirement applications going forward. Members wishing to apply for disability retirement will continue to submit their
Form 6000 - Notification of Retirement to KPPA to begin the process. Upon receipt of a valid Form 6000 for disability retirement, KPPA will open a claim with MMRO. MMRO will contact the member directly for additional forms and medical records related to their disability retirement application and will manage the disability claim until a decision has been reached. KPPA will continue to process members' early retirement, when applicable, and disability retirement estimates.
Reasonable Accommodations
If a member contacts you about applying for disability retirement, please be aware that Kentucky Revised Statutes 61.665(2)(a) requires a disability applicant to request reasonable accommodations as provided for in 42 U.S.C. sec. 12111(9) and 29 C.F.R. Part 1630 through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Form 8030, Employer Job Description, will ask about whether or not reasonable accommodations were requested and what, if any, were made. If an employee makes an inquiry with you about applying for disability retirement, it could be helpful to have a conversation about reasonable accommodations at that time.