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Qualifying Events

​​​​​​​Changing or Canceling Your Benefits

Health Insurance 

KEHP is operated as a federally regulated, Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. In exchange for this benefit, there are only three times you can change your benefit elections during the plan year:

  • During the enrollment period when you first become eligible for benefits;

  • During the annual Enrollment period; or

  • If you experience a life event, referred to as a Qualifying Event.

When you have a Qualifying Event

In all cases, any change in your plan option or coverage level must be consistent with the qualifying event. For most events, you must complete a Retiree Health Insurance Enrollment/Change Form and submit it to the KPPA office within 35 calendar days of the event date. The only exception is gaining Medicaid which has a signature date of 60 days. You must submit dependent eligibility documentation, such as a marriage certificate or birth certificate, together with your Retiree Health Insurance Enrollment/Change Form.

Qualifying events are complicated and, at times, difficult to understand. There are restrictions on the types of changes you may make due to federal qualifying event rules. If you do not sign and date the required Forms in a timely manner, you will not be permitted to revise your coverage election until the next Enrollment period. 

For additional information about and forms for qualifying events, call the KPPA office for the appropriate forms for your particular Qualifying Event (502) 696-8800 or toll free (800) 928-4646.

​Dependent Eligibility and Qualifying Events

You may have questions about what constitutes a qualifying event, or how you determine whether or not a dependent is eligible for coverage. To learn more, see our Qualifying Event Chart and Dependent Eligibility Chart.​

For more information, consult our Qualifying Events Booklet​.

KPPA and the Transition to Medicare

Cost and contribution information​​​​

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