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KRS - F.Y.I. is your direct connection to current, factual information about your KRS-administered benefits. This is where you can find our response to rumors, press coverage, helpful topics, and other timely information. Stay informed about COVID-19 impacts to KRS services, organizational announcements and upcoming events that are important to you.

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On January 3, 2025, the KPPA, CERS, and KRS Boards jointly approved a settlement agreement in the Hedge Fund litigation commonly referred to as Mayberry.  The settlement agreement has been filed with the court​ but is not effective until it receives court approval.  Because this is still pending litigation, we have no further comment at this time.

​House Bill 506 (2023 Regular Session) established a PLSO, with and without survivor rights, as a payment option. Effective January 1, 2024, members may choose this payment opt​ion, which includes a one-time lump-sum payment and a monthly payment. Learn more​.

Pension and benefits paid to KPPA reitrees and beneficiaries have a wide-ranging impact on the state's economic health. In addition to ongoing monthly pension payments, KPPA ​issues refunds, death benefit payments, and pays toward monthly insurance coverage for eligible retirees, beneficiaries, and their dependents. The following details KPPA's Fiscal Year 2024​​ ​economic impact.



​Although Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) for CERS, KERS, and SPRS retirees are typically paid out of trust fund dollars, and not the state General Fund, by statute only the Kentucky General Assembly holds the authority to grant Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs). Neither the Governor, nor the boards of trustees of the retirement systems can grant COLAs.

The process for granting COLAs for CERS retirees is different from that for KERS and SPRS retirees. It is possible that retired members of one system may receive a COLA while retired members of another system may not, depending on the action of the General Assembly.

To learn more about the history of retiree COLAs, and the process for granting them going forward, visit our Cost of Living Adjustments page.​

Note: Current KPPA retirees and beneficiaries who do not wish to make changes to their federal tax withholding elections are not required to file a new form.
The IRS has redesigned its tax withholding forms for both monthly pensions and annuities and one-time payments and rollovers.
The revised Form W-4P (Withholding Certificate for Periodic Pension or Annuity Payments) and a new Form W-4R (Withholding Certificate for Nonperiodic Payments and Eligible Rollover Distributions) include substantial changes to the federal tax withholding elections available. Use of these forms was optional for tax year 2022, however the IRS requires that the new forms must be used beginning January 1, 2023.
KPPA members completing retirement paperwork on or after January 1, 2023, should use the revised Form W-4P. Members who terminated employment and want to withdraw or roll over their member accumulated contributions on or after January 1, 2023, will use Form W4-R if they want to adjust the standard withholding.
A major change to the W-4P form is that filers will no longer be able to adjust their withholding by electing a specific number of withholding allowances. Previously, federal tax withholding calculations for pensions and other eligible periodic payments were based on the filing status (married or single) and number of withholding allowances reported. The revised form has new input fields for increasing or decreasing the amount to withhold, including fields for tax credits and deductions.
While the calculation method is more complex, the IRS maintains that, when completed correctly, the new form will more accurately approximate the amount of tax due at the end of the year.

1. You may now select one of the following marital status options:

Single or Married filing separately

Married filing jointly or Qualifying widow(er)

Head of household

2. Captures income from multiple jobs/pensions/annuities.

3. Claim dependent and other credits.

4. Default withholding is now Single with no adjustments (changed from Married with three (3) allowances).

5. If you choose to not have income tax withheld, you may indicate “no withholding" under Step 4(c).

See IRS Publication 15-T at for more information:

KPPA retirees and beneficiaries who already receive monthly benefit payments and who do not wish to make changes to their federal tax withholding elections are not required to file a new form. Retirees and beneficiaries may change their withholding option at any time by submitting a new W-4P to KPPA or by using Retiree Self Service.
If you need additional assistance in estimating your tax, you should consult with a tax advisor or the IRS. KPPA cannot assist you in computing your estimated federal income tax. 

Virtual and phone appointments remain the most efficient way to access retirement counseling at KPPA. However, beginning May 2, 2022, in-person counseling appointments will be available in our Frankfort office, with priority reserved for members who have filed Form 6000, Notification of Retirement. Members are strongly encouraged to register for Member Self Service prior to scheduling an appointment. Members can also apply for retirement online using Member Self Service. Read more about Member Self Service.

Currently, all counseling appointments are reserved for members who have filed a valid Form 6000, Notification of Retirement, and valid date of birth verification.

Members can access their retirement accounts online at or call 1-800-928-4646. Documents can be submitted to our office using the upload feature in Self Service, by mail, or by fax at 502-696-8822.​

As a result of HB 87, enacted during the 2021 session of the General Assembly, retirees now have the option of making changes to their monthly survivor beneficiary designation. Before this change, the only change that could be made was the beneficiary of the $5000.00 death benefit.

There are two types of changes available:

1. A retired member who has a non-survivor payment option – Basic, Life with Certain Options, Social Security Adjustment Option (Without Survivor Rights) can change the beneficiary at any time. This has no impact on their monthly payment option. In order to update the beneficiary only, the retiree must complete the Form 6036 which is mailed to the retiree by KPPA once a request is submitted in Retiree Self Service.

2. A retired member who has married or remarried after retirement may make a one-time change to their beneficiary, and have their payment option changed to a survivorship option (Survivorship 100%, Survivorship 66 2/3%, Survivorship 50%, Social Security Adjustment Option (With Survivor Rights) if applicable and name the new spouse as beneficiary. If they married or remarried prior to the effective date of the law, June 29, 2021, they have until January 1, 2022 to make the effective change. Members who marry or remarry on or after June 29, 2021, have 120 days from their effective date of marriage or remarriage to designate their spouse as beneficiary and select a recalculated payment option to provide survivor benefits to the spouse. To update the beneficiary and payment option, the retiree must complete the Form 6035, and submit a copy of the new beneficiary's birth certification and marriage certificate in Retiree Self Service.

Retirees should initiate these changes in Retiree Self Service unless otherwise indicated in the Beneficiary and Payment Option Change module.

​Tier 2 members are eligible to opt-in to the Tier 3 Hybrid Cash Balance Plan. Tier 2 members that choose this option will have their accumulated contributions, less any interest earned, deposited into a hybrid cash balance account. Read More​​​

​KPPA offers Medicare and non-Medicare plans. Non-Medicare plans are available through the Kentucky Employees' Health Plan (KEHP) until retirees become eligible for Medicare. Learn more about transitioning to Medicare here​​. More information about current Medicare and non-Medicare insurance plans can be found on KPPA's Insurance Overview page.

Frequently asked questions about the Dollar Contribution Reimbursement Plan for Medical Insurance. Read more here​.

KPPA is scheduling some in-person KRS Chapter 13B hearings, and will continue to offer virtual hearings via a virtual videoconferencing platform.

​Thinking about taking another job with a participating agency after you retire? Make sure you know the laws and paperwork needed for a successful and legal transition to a new job. 

On March 31, 2020, Governor Beshear issued Executive Order 2020-265 suspending statutes and regulations restricting participating employers from reemploying retired members in the specific positions identified in the order. On April 2, 2020, Governor Beshear issued Executive Order 2020-266, expanding the scope of positions covered to include all positions under city, county, and state government that are necessary to address the State of Emergency.

Pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 150, the retired reemployed orders (2020-265 and 2020-266) ceased to be effective on March 21, 2022. Employers that did not submit all required documentation pertaining to the hiring of a retired member under these Executive Orders now have until Wednesday, April 20, 2022 to submit the required documentation. For information about what documentation employers may need to provide, please review the FAQ on Executive Orders 2020-265 and 2020-266​.​

If you are reemploying in a position that is not in response to the Covid-19 State of Emergency, you and your potential employer must continue to adhere to current laws and regulations. Learn more about the process by visiting our Reemployment After Retirement page.

Things to know:

  • Prior to Retirement the member must certify on the Form 6000, Notification of Retirement that no prearranged agreement exists prior to retirement.
  • If a retired member seeks employment with a participating employer within 12 months of their effective retirement date, both the member and participating employer must notify KPPA by submitting the necessary forms.

Note: After 12 months of retirement neither a member nor a participating employer are required to notify, seek a final determination from, or submit forms to KPPA related to any employment or work as an independent contractor, leased employee, or volunteer, accepted 12 months after the member's effective retirement date.

Separation from Service:

There must be a Bona Fide Separation from Service (no prearranged agreement, written or verbal, to return to work to their participating employer)

  • Non-Hazardous must observe a 3 calendar month break in service from their effective retirement date, before returning to work with a participating employer
  • Hazardous must observe a 1 calendar month break in service from their effective retirement date, before returning to work in a regular, full-time hazardous position with a participating employer.

Submit your paperwork to our KPPA Legal Department:

Failure to comply with Kentucky Revised Statutes 61.637 and 78.5540 upon reemployment with a participating agency will void the member's retirement and will require repayment of all benefits. 

​KPPA is excited to announce that our members may now apply for retirement online! Our self service website is easy to use from your computer, smartphone or tablet.

  1. Go to and log in to your Member Self Service account. 
  2. Click “Apply for Retirement” under Services.
  3. Complete each step of the retirement module.

Note: A four digit, Personal Identification Number (PIN) is required to submit the retirement application online.

​Upload your required documents online by signing in to Member Self Service. Follow these steps to submit birth certificates, driver’s licenses, marriage certificates, and other retirement documents: 

  1. Go to and log in to your Member Self Service account. 
  2. Click Upload Documents under Services.
  3. Click Upload Document.

​These are challenging times for a variety of reasons, and members and retirees may be working remotely or performing tasks online that they previously would have done in person. Unfortunately, scammers will attempt to profit from a difficult situation, even using Coronavirus scams to trick victims into purchasing fake cures, donating to fake causes, etc.

Protect yourself by being aware of their tactics. Scammers pretend to be someone you trust. Be aware that scammers will use a variety of social engineering techniques to misrepresent themselves or to trick you into divulging sensitive data such as bank account, credit card, other financial information, employment or retirement information, or protected health care information. The Kentucky Attorney General's website gives tips to avoid scams and also lists scams which are currently targeting Kentuckians.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, even government agencies have been targets of imposter scams where the scammer impersonates government agents to trick victims into paying for free services, insinuating that the victim owes back taxes or license fees, etc., and tricking them into making payments at fake websites. The FTC website has some good resources on how to identify scam activity.

Protect your KPPA account information.

  • Never give out your account credentials or PIN number to others.
  • Don't access your online account from public computers such as in libraries or hotels.

Please note that KPPA does not contract with or approve any third parties to provide pension benefit guidance or advice about your KPPA retirement. KPPA communications will not come from free email accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail. If you have any concerns about contacts regarding your KPPA account, please contact KPPA directly to confirm they are who they present themselves to be.

​On April 28, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor and IRS announced a temporary extension of certain deadlines for sending notifications, electing, and paying for COBRA continuation coverage during the COVID-19 outbreak. Under this temporary extension, you have extra time to send certain notifications about COBRA coverage, to elect COBRA coverage, and to make premium payments. These changes are retroactive to any deadline occurring from March 1, 2020 until 60 days after the COVID-19 National Emergency is declared over. 


KPPA automatically generates a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for our members when they first have contributions posted to their accounts, and beneficiaries receive a PIN when they become a payee in the system. 

Members need their PIN in order to discuss account information with us over the phone or to be able to access their account online.  This added layer of security helps protect the confidentiality of your account. 


There are two ways to obtain a new PIN. 

Snail Mail:

If members or beneficiaries need a new PIN, they can call our office toll free at 1-800-928-4646 to request a new one, which will be sent to them via the U.S. Mail. Receiving a PIN through the mail may cause a delay for the member in accessing the needed information while they wait for the PIN to arrive but this option is great for those not in a hurry.   

Same Day via Email:

Members and beneficiaries who have a valid email address on file with KPPA can also request a new PIN to be sent to them via encrypted email, so they will receive the PIN the same day. A member or beneficiary may request a PIN via encrypted email in Step 2 of the registration process for the Self Service portal, in the Contact Information module within the Self Service portal, or by contacting KPPA toll free at 1-800-928-4646. To request a new PIN through the Self Service portal, click here to get started:

Constant Contact is an email service used by KPPA to email member newsletters and announcements.

Many members want to speak directly to benefits counselors concerning their retirement options. Call Back Assist can help make your life easier by simply reducing your wait time on hold. A counselor will call you back and you won't lose your spot in line. 


On any given day, approximately 23 highly-trained KPPA retirement counselors answer calls from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time in our call center. With over 386,000 active, inactive, and retired KPPA members to serve, it doesn't take long for a backlog and lengthy wait time to develop. 


KPPA experiences our heaviest call volume on Mondays. Placing your call on another day of the week, if possible, may result in your call being addressed more quickly. Also, KPPA has implemented a "Call Back Assist" feature that allows you to leave your contact information on a recorded message, and a KPPA counselor will call you back. Calls are returned in the order in which they are received, so you can continue with your day instead of waiting "on hold" to speak with a live counselor. We encourage members to select this option when offered. Members who have utilized this feature have told us they are very happy with the time-saving results. 

Thank you for your continued patience as we work to serve our members as quickly and efficiently as possible.   

The Public Pension Oversight Board (PPOB) was established by the Kentucky General Assembly in 2013 to assist with their “…review, analysis, and oversight of the administration, benefits, investments, funding, laws and administrative regulations, and legislation" pertaining to the Kentucky Public Pensions Authority.  Per KRS 7A.220, Board membership consists of elected officials from both the House and Senate; the State Budget Director, Auditor of Public Accounts, and Attorney General or their designees; and citizens with financial expertise appointed by the Governor.

KPPA staff routinely attend the monthly PPOB meetings to provide information about the Authority and its Systems. We are actively engaged with the Oversight Board and continue to work cooperatively with policymakers to find solutions to pressing issues. 

Below is a brief list of what KPPA has presented at prior PPOB meetings:

  • Updated the PPOB on our cash flows and the importance of developing and maintaining positive cash flows

  • Understanding KPPA Governance

  • Operating under SB 2

  • Recommendations for legislation in the 2019 Regular Session of the Kentucky General Assembly

  • Board Trustee election processes and recommended changes

  • Investment performance and compliance updates

  • Trends in investment return assumptions for public plans

  • Importance of funding and investment compounding

  • Investment consultant Request for Proposal (RFP) process

  • Actuarial valuations

For more information, we encourage you to view our Legislative Updates page, where you will find PPOB materials at the bottom of the page.

KPPA salary data is available​​ here​, at Search salary data by name, salary range, title, and/or agency.

​Question: If I meet the qualifications under the CARES Act, may I take an early distribution or a loan from my retirement account with KPPA if the distribution or loan is for a coronavirus-related situation? 

Answer: No. The statutory provisions of KPPA, which have been approved by the IRS, do not authorize any distributions to members prior to the member’s termination of employment. Kentucky Revised Statutes Section 61.575(1) states, “Prior to the member's retirement, death, or refund in accordance with KRS 61.625, no funds shall be made available from the member account.” The CARES Act only authorized such distributions (without early distribution penalties) or loans (at a larger amount than previously authorized by the IRS) for retirement plans that already had provisions for distributions or loans.

​Question: May employee or employer contributions to KPPA be modified (reduced) or suspended under the CARES Act? 
Answer: No. Only plan sponsors of 401(k) plans and 403(b) plans may permit active participants to modify or terminate an election to make elective deferrals to the plan at any time. This applies to voluntary elective deferrals only, not to mandatory employee contributions which are required as a condition of employment or pursuant to law. KPPA is a qualified 401(a) governmental plan (not a 401(k) or 403(b) plan), and employer and employee contributions are required by law, thus, cannot be modified (reduced) or suspended during this state of emergency.

Facebook Live Mini.jpgDID YOU KNOW?  

KRS livestreams Board and Committee Meetings on our Facebook page. We invite you to join us for future meetings by going to the KRS Facebook page on the date and time of the meeting. You can also watch videos of prior meetings. Click here to view the meeting schedule.

Retirements Year to Date.jpg


​Submit Your Questions:

To submit a question to us, please complete the contact information below.  If we post your question to KRS -  F.Y.I. we will not use your name, email address or other personally-identifiable information.  

Example: 555-555-5555


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